

Data Backup and Disaster Recovery: What are they and How they are related ?

The most valuable asset to any business is their data. So, copying of data into a secondary form(i.e archive file) that can be used to restore the original file is called data backup which can be used in the event of a disaster event. Whereas Disaster Recovery(DR) is a strategic security planning model that seeks to protect an enterprise from the effects of natural or human-induced disaster, such as a tornado or cyber attack.

Disaster recovery and data backups go hand in hand to support business continuity. However, recognizing the difference between disaster recovery and backups is essential to building a resilient business strategy.

Let's talk about managed iT Services.

Managed iT services are the services which a company provides to ensure your organization is receiving immediate iT technical support and consistent network uptime on a fixed-fee basis that meet your budget.

As a true Managed iT Service provider, our corporate commitment is to proactively prevent problems and not reactively fixing problems. Adopting managed services is intended to be an efficient way to stay up-to-date on technology, have access to skills and address issues related to cost, quality of service and risk.

Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.

Albert Einstein

Great Inspiration Quote from "Albert Einstein"

Technological trends are giving rise to what many thought leaders refer to as the “imagination economy.”In the words of the prime minister of Dubai, his highness Sheikh Mohammad bin Rashid Al Maktoum, “The future belongs to those who can imagine it, design it, and execute it. It’s not something you await but rather create.”